March 7, 2018 Meeting Minutes
North Ogden Elementary
Community Council Meeting
March 7th, 2018
In Attendance
Sharon Brown
Kim Wahlquist - yes
Phil Nestoryak - yes
Jolaine Garner - yes
Jen Sacre yes
Trevor Ward
Mike Hipwell - yes
Matt Deamer
James Wright
Jason Chambers
Kellie Johnson - yes
Review of minutes - We have extra monies from a literacy grant. It is used to help with struggling reading (from state funds). As a district we are being audited. We are supposed to spend our allotment until the end of the year and not carry things over to the next year.
Overview of expenditures - Phil reviewed the entire budget as follows:
Upcoming Plan-
School Plan 2018-2019 - North Ogden EL
Goal #1
Increase our overall K-3 DIBELs proficiency score by 4% from the previous school year.
Academic Areas:
We will compare our 2018 DIBELs EOY assessment data with 2019 DIBELs BOY, MOY, & EOY assessment data. As a school we will also be tracking progress made by analyzing the progress monitoring data from the mCLASS reports.
Action Plan Steps
1. An AmeriCorps paraprofessional will direct the Read. Graduate. Succeed. Tutoring Program coordinating and training adult volunteers. She will work with the reading specialist identifying students in need of reading intervention and coordinate the tutoring process between the trained adult volunteers and the students. ($9000.00) Our school funds half and the Americorps funds the other half.
2. Reading paraprofessionals will work directly with the reading specialist on reading interventions with students in small groups and one on one in grades K-3 for early reading invention. ($20000.00)
3. Teachers will meet weekly in Professional Learning Communities (PLC) to unpack standards, receive training on reading strategies, sharing intervention strategies, and creating higher level thinking lessons and assessments, review student data, adjust instruction, and discuss placement of students in small groups for reading/language intervention. This collaborative time will be created when students attend computer, with a computer specialist, P.E. and library. (computer specialist-$7000.00, P.E. specialist - $200.00)
4. All teachers will participate in reading professional development.
5. K-3 will be using Raz Kids, and Imagine Learning which are online supplemental reading programs. Raz Kids was paid for through monies from Smithś. Imagine Learning is paid by the state (45 mins./student has to be used/week)
6. SPED, Reading Specialist, & first grade teachers will incorporate the Reading Horizons as an intervention to target struggling readers.
7. Grade-level formative assessments will be used throughout the year to measure reading progress as well as SAGE proficiency data.
8. A teacher will offer an after school reading intervention tutoring program for at risk 1st and 2nd grade students. ($800.00) Mrs. Vigil will teach that class.
9. The reading specialist will provide a summer reading camp by invitation only to help with the summer learning slump. ($1000.00) It is for grades k-3 by invitation. There is a summer camp fee. The monies are used to pay the teacher and to purchase reward and teaching materials.
10. Additional chrome books and/ or Ipads will be purchased or leased to provide students with additional time to research, write and read using technology. ($5000.00)
Description & Estimated Cost
Reading Aides - (20000.00) AmeriCorps - (9000.00) Summer Reading Camp - (1000.00) Computer Aides - (7000.00) PE Specialist - (200.00) After School Reading Class - ($800.00)
lease or purchase of chromebooks and/ or Ipads ($5000.00)
Total: $43,000
Goal #2
Increase our overall SAGE math proficiency score by 5% from the previous school year.
Academic Areas
We will compare our 2018 SAGE summative math assessment data with 2019 SAGE summative math assessment data.
Action Plan Steps
1. A part-time computer lab specialist will be hired to work with grades on computer literacy skills including, but not limited to, keyboarding, researching, writing, and math. We want students to be comfortable using the SAGE test prior to the test itself.
2. Teachers will meet weekly in Professional Learning Communities (PLC) to unpack standards, receive curriculum training, sharing intervention strategies, and creating higher level thinking lessons and assessments, review student data, adjust instruction, and discuss placement of students in small groups for math intervention/extension activities. This collaborative time will be created when students attend computer with a computer specialist, P.E. with a P.E. specialist, and library.
3. Teachers will be using TenMarks, a district approved online supplemental math program students can use at home. This program will also be used as an assessment resource in identifying individual student needs based on concepts taught and learned. (TenMarks - $4000.00) This is based on enrollment.
4. Teacher math SLOs, SAGE benchmark assessments, and grade-level formative assessments will be used throughout the year to measure math progress on an ongoing basis.
5. All students will receive quality Tier I and Tier II classroom math instruction.
6. Teachers will receive professional development and training on the PLC process. ($500.00)
7. Technology will be updated and improved throughout the school to provide students with resources to improve their learning. (Smartboard Panels, Audio Enhancement $12000.00)
Description & Estimated Cost
Professional Development ($500.00)
Update audio enhancement devices & Smart panels throughout building - ($12000.00)
Total: $16,500
Summary of Estimated Expenditures
Salaries and Employee Benefits - $38,000
Professional and Technical Services - $5,500
Software - $4,000
Equipment - $12,000
Total: $59,500.00
Mr. Nestoryak suggested that NOE will get a little over 60K as told by our district Trust Lands rep. She figures there is a 5% wiggle room for slight changes.
Kelly Johnson brought up the question if future trust lands monies will have monies for school security. Trust Lands has to be used Phil has talked with the city to install a west end camera and the foundation may be able to fund some more as well. We have cameras inside the school (5) next to the stairwells. Police officers also can pull up all cameras.
Buddy benches were brought up. WHS is donating 2 to NOE.
The new park plans were mentioned. We will have several proposals presented at our next meeting.
The 2018-2019 distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?
Any increased distribution this year will be used toward providing teachers and students online supplement programs that will enhance and support student learning in the classroom, providing time for teacher collaboration and training, provide for student intervention, and used to enhance the technology throughout the building. This can also be spent educational field trips to enhance the learning experiences of our students and to provide teachers with professional development opportunities throughout the school.
James Wright
Jason Chambers
Trevor Ward
Sharon Brown
All sent an email to Mr. Nestoryak voting in favor in approval to the proposed plan.
Mike Hipwell motioned to approve this budget. It was 2nd-ed by Phil Nestoryak and all the members who were present at todayś meeting voted in favor of the upcoming plan and proposed budget.
We will need to fill 2 parent positions for next year and 1 staff position for next yearś community counsel.
We accept nominations first and set a deadline. James and Jenś position will be ending. Parents will vote for a parent reps. And staff votes for staff reps. If we have an election, parents would have to come in and vote.
Meeting closed at 3:42 p.m.