Cell Phone Policy
North Ogden Elementary Student Digital Media Device (including Cell Phone) Procedure
North Ogden Elementary is not responsible for lost/stolen cell phones, gaming devices, ipods, smart watches, etc. It is recommended that these Digital Media Devices (DMDs) not be brought to school at all.
DMDs should not be used, seen or heard during school hours. Students may use the office phone with permission. Parents can call the school to get messages to their child.
DMDs must remain turned off during school hours (7:30am to 3:30pm) except in the case of an emergency (ie:school lockdown) or with teacher permission.
DMDs will not be allowed outside at lunch recess or other recesses.
DMDs will not be used while on school grounds before and after school.
DMDs are to be kept in the student’s backpack, teacher’s designated space, or in the office during school hours.
School owned devices, like chrome books and computers, are not to be used for personal communication of any kind, (ie: email, messaging, chats).
If students do not adhere to the policy:
1st offense- student will be reminded and warned
2nd offense- DMD will be taken away immediately and locked in the office to be picked up after school
3rd offense- a parent must come to the office to collect the DMD
More than one infraction of DMD use may include asking the student to not bring the device on the school grounds for the remainder of the year.
If students do not adhere to the policy the DMD will be taken away immediately and locked in the office, and a parent must come to the office to collect the phone.
There are paper applications in the office if your students has medical needs to have a cell phone with them.