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January 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes

North Ogden Elementary

Community Council Meeting

January 17, 2018

In Attendance

Phil Nestoryak

Kim Wahlquist

Jolaine Garner

Mike Hipwell



Phil Nestoryak motioned to begin and Kim Wahlquist seconded the motion.

Minutes were reviewed from last meeting in November 2017 by Mr. Nestoryak.

Budget Overview:

Mr. Nestorak mentioned we are halfway through the school year. He handed out a 2017-2018 Trustlands Quick Look Chart (see attached) that outlined estimated costs and actual costs. He presented a preliminary budget as follows:

$20,000 for reading aides, $9,000 for AmeriCorps, $6,000 for computers, $5,000 TenMarks, $5000 for chromebooks, $10,000 for possibly purchasing a few smartboard panels, smart TV’s, and audio enhancements for several classrooms.

NOE is expected to receive $59,500 through Trustland monies for 2018-2019.

NOE’s first goal is targeted towards reading. NOE will continue using DIBELS data for grades K-3 to strive for a 4% increase goal overall from the previous school year. Monies would go towards funding reading aides, summer camp, afterschool reading program, and after-school teachers’ pay. Mr. Nestoryak motioned for this goal and Mr. Wahlquist second it.

NOE’s second goal would go towards mathematics. NOE would like to increase SAGE math proficiency scores by 5% overall from the 2017 year to the 2018 year. Mr. Wahlquist motioned this. Mrs Garner seconded it. NOE’s math scores are predicted to increase due to Trustlands funding towards the use of TenMarks and Chromebooks. Mr. Nestoryak mentioned that the tech department will send out a spread sheet for the rotation of chromebooks.

It was also mentioned that monies go towards funding a computer aide, and a P.E. teacher.

Mr. Nestoryak expressed that this is a preliminary budget and that the community council will discuss the budget more in depth at the next meeting.

Our next Community Council Meeting will take place on Feb. 21 at 1:00. Phil motioned to end. Kim seconded it. Meeting ended at 4:05 pm

Plan Budgeted for $55,611

Actual Allocation Amount $52,384



Goal 1 Salaries Reading Aids  $17,000.00 $11,729.64
Goal 1 Salaries Americorps  $8,000.00  $8,981.00
Goal 1 Salaries Computer Aide  $4,000.00  $2,797.21
Goal 1 Salaries Summer Reading Camp  $750.00  $1,393.58
Goal 1 Salaries After School Reading Class  $750.00  $655.58
Goal 1 Library Books Schoolwide Reading Program  $5,500.00  $1,078.00
Goal 1 Equipment Chrome Books  $5,351.00  $5,351.00
Goal 2 Salaries Computer Aide  $4,000.00  $0
Goal 2 Salaries PE Aide  $3,000.00  $0
Goal 2 Professional & Tech Services Prof Development  $1,500.00  $0
Goal 2 Software Tenmarks  $5,760.00  $3,971.25