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Mrs. Taylor's Bio

Mrs. Taylor                                


BA from Weber State University with a composite degree in Elementary Education grades 1-8 and Special Education grades k-12 with a minor in German.

Masters degree - from Walden University in Elementary Reading and Literacy

Grades taught and where:

North Ogden Jr High grades 7-9 Special Ed Reading and English

2 years North Ogden Elementary grades k-3 Special education

2 years North Ogden Elementary second grade - 15 years

Who/What inspired you to go into education?

My third grade teacher Mrs. Goldsberry, and my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Ehmann. These ladies made me love school and I wanted to be just like them! Also, I wanted the perfect mom job that would let me be home when my kids are.

What you do when you aren't at school:

You can typically find me on the sideline of one of my kids' games, or driving them to and from their many practices. We spend a lot of time on the soccer field or at the dance studio, the gymnastics gym, and the training gym. When I get a moment to myself, I enjoy going to movies and long bubble baths!

Favorite quote/philosophy:

When given the choice between being right or being kind, chose kind!

Favorite book:

I love a good mystery novel by Mary Higgins Clark, and I also love the Fablehaven series!

Something interesting about you:

There is not much I would call interesting, but I have now been a teacher for the same amount of time I was not a teacher. I have been married for 20 years to my husband Kelly, and I have 4 kids. Penny is 7, Sam is 11, Nic is 14, Landon is 17 and my cute goldendoodle Millieis almost 1.


Mrs. Taylor's Google Site


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