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Jan 2019 Community Council Minutes

Community Council Minutes January 30, 2019 1. Reviewed the following data: Mid-year Dibels and Daze test scores saw increases from grades K-1st-2nd-3rd-6th Slight decrease for 4th and 5th graders as expected mid-year  2.  Discussed proposed goals: Increase reading profeciency by 2% Increase test scores on RISE assessment by 2% Continue STEM programs and increase STEM kits   Also discussed possbily using a portion of the 10% increased Trustland funds to pay for PLC conference for teachers (appx. $4,500). Possibly lease 1 or 2...

Read more …Jan 2019 Community Council Minutes

Feb 2019 Agenda

                                            Community Council Agenda                                         February 27th, 2019 Internet Safety Review Discuss and Review Proposed School...

Read more …Feb 2019 Agenda

School Policies

POLICIES- LANGUAGE: Inappropriate and vulgar language has no place in school.  Please work with us on this and also with your children. Absences/Excuses: Students are expected to be in school each day unless ill or properly excused by a parent or guardian.  Parents please know where your children are during the school day.  When a student is absent, the parent/guardian should send an excuse with the child when he/she returns to school. Bicycles: All bicycles must be locked up during school hours.  The school cannot be responsible for bicycles, locks or accessories.�...

Read more …School Policies