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Attendance Policy

Weber School District Attendance Policy COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE Any person having control of a minor between six and 18 years of age is required to send the minor to a public or regularly established private school during the school year of the district in which the minor resides. It is a misdemeanor for a person having control of a minor to willfully fail to comply with the requirements of this chapter. A district board of education shall report cases of willful noncompliance to the appropriate juvenile court. Officers of the juvenile court shall immediately take appropriate action. A...

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School Policies

POLICIES- LANGUAGE: Inappropriate and vulgar language has no place in school.  Please work with us on this and also with your children. Absences/Excuses: Students are expected to be in school each day unless ill or properly excused by a parent or guardian.  Parents please know where your children are during the school day.  When a student is absent, the parent/guardian should send an excuse with the child when he/she returns to school. Bicycles: All bicycles must be locked up during school hours.  The school cannot be responsible for bicycles, locks or accessories....

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