Kindergarten Essential Learning Targets
Math Learning Targets
Essential Skills : These skills are the main curricular focus of the grade. Substantial instructional time is spent to ensure all students are proficient. Multiple assessments and interventions may be required and are appropriate.
Important Skills: These skills support or extend essential skills. Significant instructional time is spent to ensure understanding. Student learning is assessed; however, not as much emphasis is placed on intervention.
Supporting Skills: These skills are introduced and integrated during the grade and are best taught through spaced practice. Limited assessments and interventions occur for these skills.
Learning Target 1: I can show what I have learned about numbers and counting within 100.
Essential Skills
A. I can count by 1s to 100 (CC.1).
B. I can say one number per object when counting objects within 20 (CC.4a).
C. I can tell that the last thing counted is the number of things within 20 (CC.4b).
D. I can identify numbers 0 - 20 (CC.3).
E. I can write numbers 0 - 20 (CC.3).
F. I can identify “greater than,” “less than,” and “equal to” for numbers 0 to 10 (CC.6 & 7).
Important Skills
G. I can count to tell how many in a group, no matter the arrangement (CC.5).
H. I can count by 10s to 100 (CC.1).
I. I can count forward beginning at any number within 100 (CC.2).
Learning Target 2: I can compose (put together) and decompose (take apart) numbers.
Essential Skills
A. I can break any number 1-10 into parts (OA.3).
B. I can take any number 1- 9 and show what I need to make a 10 (OA.4).
C. I can make and take apart numbers 11-19 by showing how many tens and ones are in the numbers (NBT.1).
Learning Target 3: I can add and subtract within 10.
Essential Skills
A. I can use objects, drawings, and equations to add within 10 (OA.1).
B. I can use objects, drawings, and equations to subtract within 10 (OA.1).
Important Skills
C. I can use strategies to fluently add and subtract within 5 (OA.5).
D. I can use objects, drawings, and equations to solve word problems within 10 (OA.2).
Learning Target 4: I can identify, sort, and create shapes.
Supporting Skills
A. I can put things into groups by looking at how they are the same (MD.3).
B. I can sort categories by the number of things in them (MD.3).
C. I can name and tell about squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres, no matter the size or the position (G.1 and G.2).
D. I can tell where I see shapes by using position words (G.1).
E. I can make shapes by drawing or building them (G.5).
F. I can use simple shapes to make larger shapes (G.6).
G. I can identify and compare two-dimensional (“flat”) and three-dimensional (“solid”) shapes (G.3 and G.4).
H. I can describe and compare measurable attributes of an object (MD.1 and MD.2).
ELA Learning Targets
Learning Target 1: Print Features
Essential Skills:
A. I can follow words from left to right, top to bottom, page to page.(RF K.1a)
B. I recognize spoken words can be written using the correct letters. (RF K.1b)
C. I can recognize and name all upper and lowercase letters. (RF K.1d)
D. I recognize spaces between the words in print. (RF K.1c)
Learning Target 2: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics
Essential Skills:
A. I can make the sound for each letter (consonant and vowel). (RF K.3a-b)
B. I can say the beginning, middle and ending sounds in words. (RF K.2d)
C. I can blend and segment words. (RF K.2c)
D. I can read CVC words. (RF K.3a-b)
E. I can recognize and produce rhyming words. (RF K.2a)
F. I can read grade level sight words. (RF K.3c)
G. I can read and comprehend kindergarten text. (RF K.4)
Important Skills:
H. I can count, say, and blend syllables in words. (RF K.2b)
I. I can add or change one sound in a word to make a new word. (RF K.2e)
J. I can recognize the differences in similarly spelled words and read words when letters have been changed. (RF K.3d)
Learning Target 3: Reading Comprehension (Literature)
Essential Skills:
A. I can identify characters, setting, and events in a story. (RL K.3)
Important Skills:
B. With help, I can retell a story using important details. (RL K.2)
C. With help, I can ask and answer questions about a story. (RL K.1)
D. With help, I can tell what the author and illustrator do. (RL K.6, RI K.6)
Supporting Skills:
E. I can describe how pictures help tell the story. (RL K.7)
F. I can compare experiences of characters in a story. (RL K.9)
G. With help, I can tell about different types of stories (poems, story, etc.). (RL K.5)
H. With help, ask and answer questions about words I don’t know. (RL K.4)
Learning Target 4: Reading Comprehension (Informational text)
Essential Skills:
A. I can identify the front cover, back cover and title page of a book. I can show where to start reading. (RI K.5)
Important Skills:
B. With help, I can tell the main topic and details from a book. (RI K.2)
C. With help, I can ask and answer questions about a book. (RI K.1)
D. With help, I can tell how ideas in a book are related. (RI K.3)
Supporting Skills:
G. With help, I can find the details in a text to understand the author’s main ideas. (RI K.8)
F. With help, I can tell about the relationship between the illustrations and the words in a text. (RI K.7)
H. With help, I can compare two texts on the same topic. (RI K.9)
Learning Target 5: Grammar
Essential Skills:
A. I can write upper and lowercase letters. (L K.1a)
B. I can write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds. (L K.2c)
C. I can capitalize the first word and the word I in a sentence and recognize punctuation. (L K. 2a, b)
D. I can write a complete sentence using sound-spelling and spaces between words. (L K.1f & 2d)
Important Skills:
E. I can use nouns and verbs. (L K.1b)
F. I can know and use question words. (L K.1d)
Supporting Skills:
G. When speaking, I can make nouns plural by adding s and es. (L K.1c)
H. I can use prepositions correctly. (L K.1e)
Learning Target 6: Vocabulary
Essential Skills:
A. I can sort objects into categories. (L K.5a)
Supporting Skills:
B. I can use new words appropriately. (L K.6)
C. I can use words with multiple meanings. (L K.4a)
D. I can act out different verbs with similar meanings. (L K.5d)
E. I can name opposites. (L K.5b)
F. I can make real-life connections to new words. (L K.5c)
G. I can use beginning and ending (un-, re-, -ed, -s) word parts to understand new words. (L K.4b)
Learning Target 7: Writing
Essential Skills:
A. I can use a combination of drawings, dictating and writing to express and share my ideas. (W K.1-3)
Important Skills:
B. I can write to inform others about things I know and give details. (W K.2)
Supporting Skills:
C. With help, I can research a topic and write about it. (W K.7)
D. I can use things I know and things I read to answer a question. (W K.8)
E. I can state an opinion and can write about it. (W K.1)
F. I can write a story that includes details, is told in order, and has an ending. (WK.3)
G. I can use questions and suggestions to make my writing better. (W K.5)
H. I can use digital tools to produce writing with my class. (W K.6)
Learning Target 8: Speaking and Listening
Essential Skills:
A. I can listen to others and take turns speaking. (SL K.1a)
B. I can participate in a conversation through multiple exchanges. (SL K.1b)
C. I can speak clearly and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly. (SL K.6)
Important Skills:
B. With help, I can describe people, places, things and events and tell more details. (SL K.4)
Supporting Skills:
C. When presenting, I can add drawings to show more details. (SL K.5)
D. I can show understanding of information presented aloud by asking or answering questions about the key details presented. (SL K.2)
E. I can ask and answer questions about things I don’t understand. (SL K.3)