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March 5, 2019 Meeting Minutes

North Ogden Elementary

Community Council Meeting

March 5, 2019

 Council Members present                           

  • Sharon Brown
  • Phil Nestoryak
  • Jolaine Garner
  • Trevor Ward
  • Stuart McCowin
  • Matt Deamer
  • Kellie Johnson
  • Mike Hipwell




Mr. Nestoryak reviewed the plan as follows:  (See Attached Plan)


Goal #1 80% of students in k-3rd will show typical to well above typical growth according to the pathways of progress on the end of year DIBELs assessment.


Goal #2 60% of our 3-6 grade students be proficient on the end of year math assessment.


Mention was made to add  Utah Americorp Education Initiative sponsored by United Way. $9,000 would be set aside to fund this program at our school. A change would be made from 43,000 to $34.000.


Our school has applied for Math Space for upper grades and ST Math for the lower grades. The state of Utah would cover 80% of the costs.


Increased Distribution was mentioned - Any increased distribution this year will be used toward providing teachers and students with online supplement programs that enhance and support student learning in the classroom, providing time for teacher collaboration and training, provide for student intervention, and used to enhance the technology throughout the building.


A motion was made to vote on the current plan. It was approved by those present.


There is a 2-year term for council members.

Mike Hipwell is up for re-election. He has been on for 4 years.

Kellie Johnson is up for re-election. This is the end of her 2nd year.

Stuart is good as this is his 1st year.

Trevor Ward this is his 2nd year.

Sharon Brown is in her 2nd year.

Jolaine Garner is in her 2nd year.

Matt Deamer is in his 2nd year.


Kellie Johnson is interested in a next year assignment.

Matt Deamer may not be able to be on the council next year due to his wife’s employment.

Mike Hipwell is interested in next year’s assignment.


Mr. Nestoryak will email a ballot out for election materials for next year.


The motion was made to adjourn at 4:10 p.m.