Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade Essential Learning Targets
Math Learning Targets
Essential Skills : These skills are the main curricular focus of the grade. Substantial instructional time is spent to ensure all students are proficient. Multiple assessments and interventions may be required and are appropriate.
Important Skills: These skills support or extend essential skills. Significant instructional time is spent to ensure understanding. Student learning is assessed; however, not as much emphasis is placed on intervention.
Supporting Skills: These skills are introduced and integrated during the grade and are best taught through spaced practice. Limited assessments and interventions occur for these skills.
Learning Target 1 (~12% of RISE): I can show what I know about multi-digit numbers with decimals.
Essential Skills
A. I can read and write decimals to the thousandths (NBT.3).ª
B. I can compare decimals to the thousandths (NBT.3).ª
Important Skills
C. I can round decimals to any place (NBT.4).ª
Learning Target 2 (~ 19% of RISE): I can perform operations with whole numbers and decimal numbers through hundredths.
Essential Skills
A. I can explain the “10 times” and “1/10” relationships, the zero patterns, and decimal placement when multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 (NBT.1,NBT.2).ª
B. I can add and subtract decimal numbers through hundredths (NBT.7).ª
C. I can fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm (NBT.5).ª
D. I can multiply a decimal number by a decimal number to the hundredths (NBT.7).ª
E. I can draw and/or use written methods to divide up to four-digit whole numbers by two-digit divisors (NBT.6).
F. I can divide a whole number dividend by a decimal divisor OR a decimal dividend by a whole number divisor (NBT.7).ª
Important Skills
G. I can use whole number exponents to show powers of ten (NBT.2).
Learning Target 3 (~31% of RISE): I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.
Essential Skills
A. I can add and subtract fractions including mixed numbers with unlike denominators (NF.1, NF.2).
B. I can interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator (NF.3).
C. I can multiply a fraction by a whole number, a mixed number, or another fraction (NF.4,6).
D. I can divide whole numbers by unit fractions and unit fractions by whole numbers (NF.7).
Important Skills
E. I can solve real world problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers (NF.3).
F. I can find the area of a rectangle with fractional sides lengths using tiling (NF.4b).
Supporting Skills
G. I can recognize that when multiplying, the product of a whole number and a fraction depends on the size of the fraction (NF.5a,b).
Learning Target 4 (~20% of RISE): I can interpret numerical expressions and graph ordered pairs.
Essential Skills
A. I can evaluate expressions that include parentheses, brackets, and braces (OA.1).
B. I can write and interpret simple expressions (OA.2).
Important Skills
C. I can form ordered pairs from numerical patterns and graph the ordered pair on a coordinate plane (OA.3)ª
Supporting Skills
D. I can graph ordered pairs from real world problems in quadrant one of a coordinate plane (G.1,2).
Learning Target 5 (~18% of RISE) : I can classify two dimensional shapes, find volume, convert measurements, and represent data.
A. I can classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties (G.3,4).
B. I can find the volume and composite volume of right rectangular prisms using unit cubes and the formula (MD.3, MD.4, MD.5a,b).
C. I can find the total volume of solid figures by adding the volumes of two non-overlapping parts (MD5.c).
D. I can convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given (metric or customary) measurement system (MD.1)ª
E. I can make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions (MD.2).
ª: Learning Target directly relates to an ACT Readiness Standard
Grade 5
50 Operational Items
Domain | Min. | Max. |
Operations an Agebrale | 16% | 20% |
Number see Nations in | 30% | 36% |
Numberations cations - | 28% | 34% |
Measurometty Mos and | 18% | 22% |
DOK 1 | 16% | 28% |
DOK 2 | 50% | 64% |
DOK 3 | 10% | 24% |
ELA Learning Targets
Learning Target 1: Phonics and Oral Reading Fluency
Essential Skills:
A. I can read grade level text (Lexile 830-1010) with accuracy. (RF 5.4)
B. I can read grade level text (Lexile 830-1010) with appropriate rate and expression. (RF 5.4)
C. I can use my decoding skills and analysis of word structure to help me decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words. (RF 5.3)
D. I can recognize when a word I have read does not make sense by using context clues. (RF 5.4c)
Learning Target 2: Reading Comprehension (Literature)
Essential Skills:
A. I can find similarities and differences between two or more characters, settings, or events. (RL 5.3)
B. I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what a text says explicitly and when making inferences. (RL 5.1)
C. I can identify the theme of a story, drama, or poem from the details in the text, including how characters respond to challenges or the narrator of a poem reflects. (RL 5.2)
D. I can compare and contrast stories in the same genre on their approaches to similar themes and topics. (RL 5.9)
Important Skills:
E. I can summarize the text by identifying the main idea/events/points from a story, drama, or poem in as few words as possible. (R L.5.2)
F. I can determine the meaning of words or phrases by identifying and understanding the meaning of metaphors, similes, and other figurative language. (RL 5.4)
G. I can describe how a narrator or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described in a text. (RL 5.6)
Supporting Skills:
H. I can explain how chapters, scenes, or stanzas fit together to provide the structure of a story, drama, or poem. (RL 5.5)
I. I can analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, and beauty of a text (graphic novel, folktale, myth, poem). (RL 5.7)
Learning Target 3: Reading Comprehension (Informational text)
Essential Skills:
A. I can summarize a nonfiction text. (RI 5.2)
B. I can identify two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details. (RI 5.2)
C. I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. (RI 5.1)
D. I can identify text structure specific to informational text, and compare and contrast the overall structure in two or more texts. (RI 5.5)
E. I can use information from several texts in order to write or speak about the subject. (RI 5.9)
Important Skills:
F. I can determine the meaning of 5th grade general academic and domain-specific words. (RI 5.4)
G. I can explain the relationship between two or more specific events, ideas, concepts, or individuals. (RI 5.3)
H. I can analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. (RI 5.6)
Supporting Skills:
I. I can use information from multiple print and digital sources to answer a question or solve a problem. (RI 5.7)
J. I can explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support a particular point. (RI 5.8)
Learning Target 4: Grammar
Essential Skills:
A. I can use commas correctly to: identify items in a series, identify and use in an introductory element, and how a comma should be used to set off words (eg. yes and no, tag questions, and direct address). (L 5.2a-c)
Important Skills:
B. I can identify when the incorrect verb tense has been used and make appropriate corrections. (L 5.1d)
C. I can form and use the perfect verb tense (have/had/will have). (L 5.1b)
D. I can choose the correct verb tense to show time, sequence, state, and condition. (L 5.1c)
E. I can explain the function of conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections in a sentence. (L 5.1a)
F. I can use correlative conjunctions correctly (either/or, neither/nor). (L 5.1e)
Supporting Skills:
G. I can underline, use quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of works. (L 5.2)
H. I can spell grade-appropriate words correctly. (L 5.2)
I. I can determine when to use varied sentence structures to create meaning, interest, and style in my writing. (L 5.3)
Learning Target 5: Vocabulary
Essential Skills:
A. I can use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words or phrases. (L 5.4a)
Important Skills:
B. I can use the relationship between words to better understand each of the words eg., synonyms, antonyms, and homographs). (L 5.5c)
C. I can use common Greek and Latin affixes and roots to determine the meaning of a word. (L 5.4b)
D. I can interpret figurative language (e.g., simile and metaphors). (L 5.5a)
E. I can recognize and explain common proverbs, adages, and idioms. (L 5.5b)
F. I can use print and digital reference materials to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the meaning of an unknown word. (L 5.4c)
G. I can acquire and use grade-appropriate academic and domain specific words and phrases, including words that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships. (L 5.6)
Supporting Skills:
H. I can contrast how authors use variations of English in stories, dramas, or poems. (L 5.3b)
Learning Target 6: Writing
Essential Skills:
A. I can create and complete a writing graphic organizer, with information logically grouped, based on my writing task and information gathered about the topic. (W 5.1a, 5.2a)
B. I can introduce an opinion piece by introducing a topic and stating my opinion on a topic. (W 5.1a)
C. I can support my opinion by providing logically ordered reasons, that are supported by facts and details. (W 5.1b)
D. I can link my opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses when writing an opinion. (W 5.1c)
E. I can write a concluding statement or paragraph related to the opinion presented. (W 5.1d)
F. I can introduce an informative piece, by introducing the topic clearly. (W 5.2a)
G. I can support my topic by including general observation and focus, grouping information logically, and include formatting and illustrations when appropriate. (W 5.2a)
H. I can develop the topic of an informational piece with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, and examples. (W 5.2b)
I. I can link information and/or ideas using transition words and phrases (eg., in contrast, especially). (W 5.2c)
J. I can write about a topic using precise language and domain-specific vocabulary. (W 5.2d)
K. I can write a concluding statement or section related to the information presented. (W 5.2e)
Important Skills:
L. I can edit my writing by checking for errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc. (see Language standard 1-3) (W 5.5)
M. I can apply revision strategies to improve my writing. (W 5.5)
N. I can conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge on different topics. (W 5.7)
O. I can choose several sources to gather information to answer research questions. (W 5.7)
P. I can take notes, organize information, and list the sources that I have used. (W.5.8)
Q. I can analyze the information found in my sources and determine if it provides enough support to answer my question. (W 5.7)
Supporting Skills:
R. I can write a narrative piece and orient the reader by introducing the narrator, characters, and the event that starts the story in motion. (W 5.3a)
S. I can use narrative techniques (dialogue, description, pacing) to develop events and/or experiences and show how characters respond to situations. (W 5.3b)
T. I can use a variety of transitional words and phrases to sequence the events in my story. (W 5.3c)
U. I can use concrete words and phrases as well as sensory details to help my reader understand the experiences and events. (W 5.3d)
V. I can provide a conclusion that follows a narrative experience or events. (W 5.3e)
W. I can use technology to produce, publish, and communicate with others through my writing. (W 5.6)
X. I can use proper keyboarding skills and type a minimum of two pages in one sitting. (W 5.6)
Learning Target 7: Speaking, Listening, and Presenting
Essential Skills:
A. I can provide comments that contribute to a discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. (SL 5.1c)
B. I can review the ideas expressed and draw conclusions based on the information gained in a discussion. (SL 5.1d)
C. I can summarize a written text that is read aloud or information presented in different media formats. (SL 5.2)
D. I can report on a topic or text or present an opinion, speaking clearly and at an understandable pace. (SL 5.4)
Important Skills:
E. I can come prepared and participate in collaborative discussions. (SL 5.1a)
F. I can follow agreed upon rules and carry out assigned roles while participating in collaborative groups. (SL 5.1b)
G. I can summarize the points a speaker makes and explain how each claim is supported by reasons and evidence. (SL 5.3)
Supporting Skills:
H. I can include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations when appropriate. (SL 5.5)
I. I can adapt my speech in a variety of contexts and tasks, using formal English when appropriate. (SL 5.6)