Third Grade

Third Grade Essential Learning Targets

Math Learning Targets

Essential Skills: These skills are the main curricular focus of the grade. Substantial instructional time is spent to ensure all students are proficient.  Multiple assessments and interventions may be required and are appropriate.

Important Skills: These skills support or extend essential skills. Significant instruction time is spent to ensure understanding.  Student learning is assessed; however, not as much emphasis is placed on intervention.   

Supporting Skills: These skills are introduced and integrated during the grade and are best taught through spaced practice. Limited assessments and interventions occur for these skills.

Learning Target 1 (~19% of RISE): I can round, add, and subtract with multi-digit numbers within 1,000.

Essential Skills

  • A. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to add and subtract within 1,000 (NBT.2 and MD.8)ª

  • B. I can round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 (NBT.1. and OA.8c).

Important Skills

  • C. I can solve word problems that involve multi-digit addition and subtraction (MD.1, MD.2, and MD.3).

Learning Target 2 (~33% of RISE): I can use strategies to solve multiplication and division problems within 100.

Essential Skills

  • A. I can use objects, drawings (including arrays), and written methods to represent multiplication as “groups of” (OA.1).

  • B. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to show that separating objects into equal groups is division (OA.2).

  • C. I can determine an unknown number in any position of a multiplication or division equation. (OA.4 and OA.6).ª

  • D. I can use strategies fluently to multiply within 100 (OA.7a).ª

  • E. I can use strategies fluently to divide within 100 (OA.7a).ª 

  • F. I know from memory all products within 100 (OA.7b, NBT.3).ª

  • G. I can multiply a one-digit number by a multiple of 10 (NBT.3).

Important Skills

  • H.  I can solve word problems involving only multiplication (OA.3 and MD.7d).

  • I. I can solve word problems involving only division (OA.3 and MD.7d).

  • J. I can use the commutative, associative, and distributive property as strategies to multiply and divide (OA.5).

  • K. I can solve two-step word problems that involve multiple operations (OA.3 and OA.8a).

  • L. I can identify and use arithmetic patterns (OA.9)ª

Supporting Skills

  • M. I can create multiplication and division equations, using a letter to represent the unknown, to represent word problems (OA.8b)ª

  • N. I can estimate or round to explain if an answer makes sense (OA.8c).

Learning Target 3 (~29% of RISE): I can recognize, represent, and partition fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. 

Essential Skills

  • A. I can recognize and explain the numerator and denominator of a fraction (NF.1).

  • B. I can recognize the relationship between a unit fraction and the whole (NF.1).

  • C. I can represent fractions on a number line diagram (NF.2).

  • D. I can recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions with a visual model (NF.3a,b).ª

  • E. I can partition shapes into parts with equal areas and name them (G.2) .

Important Skills

  • F. I can compare fractions using visual models and the symbols >,<, and = (NF.3d).

  • G. I can write whole numbers as fractions and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers (NF.3c).ª

Learning Target 4 (~19% of RISE): I can measure, represent data, and work with geometry. 

Essential Skills

  • A. I can use arrays to show that area is found by multiplying the side lengths (MD.7)ª

Important Skills

  • B. I can measure lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch (MD.4).

  • C. I can measure area by counting square units (MD.5 and MD.6)ª


Supporting Skills

  • D. I can tell time to the nearest minute (MD.1)ª

  • E. I can solve addition and subtraction word problems involving time (MD.1).

  • F. I can use addition to find the perimeter of a polygon (MD.8).

  • G. I can use scaled picture graphs, line plots, and bar graphs to solve one- and two-step word problems (MD.3).

  • H. I can categorize quadrilaterals (specifically rhombuses, rectangles, and squares) based on their attributes (G.1).

  • I. I can measure and estimate using grams, kilograms, milliliters, and liters (MD.2).

ª: Learning Target directly relates to an ACT Readiness Standard

Grade 3
45 Operational Items




Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA)



Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT)



Number and Operations - Fractions (NF)



Measurement and Data and Geometry (MD/G)












ELA Learning Targets

Learning Target 1: Phonics and Oral Reading Fluency

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can decode multisyllabic words. (RF 3.3c)

  • B. I can read grade-level irregularly spelled words. (RF 3.3d)

  • C.  I can read grade level text (Lexile 520-820) with sufficient accuracy. (RF 3.4b)

  • D.  I can read grade level text (Lexile 520-820) with appropriate rate, and expression. (RF 3.4b)

  • E. I can read grade-level text with purpose and understanding to support comprehension. (RF 3.4a)

Important Skills

  • F. I can self correct my word recognition and understanding using context clues.       (RF 3.4c)

  • G. I can identify and know the meaning of prefixes and suffixes. (RF 3.3a)

Supporting Skills

  • H. I can decode words with common latin suffixes. (RF 3.b)

Learning Target 2:  Comprehension (Literature)

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can describe characters, their traits, and explain how their actions affect the sequence of events in the story. (RL 3.3)

  • B. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text.  (RL 3.1)

  • C. I can recount stories, including fables, folktales and myths; determine the central message, lesson or moral and explain how it is conveyed using key details in the text. (RL 3.2)

Important Skills:

  • D. I can describe sections of the story and how they sequentially build on earlier sections. (RL 3.5)

Supporting Skills:

  • E. I can explain how illustrations contribute to the words in a story. (RL 3.7)

  • F. I can determine literal from nonliteral language. (RL 3.4)

  • G. I can distinguish my point of view from the narrators and characters. (RL 3.6)

  • H. I can compare and contrast multiple themes from the same author. (RL 3.9)

Learning Target 3: Comprehension (Informational text)

Essential Skills: 

  • A. I can ask and answer questions using the text explicitly as a reference. (RI 3.1)

  • B. I can determine the meaning of a word or phrase in context. (RI 3.4)

  • C. I can identify the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. (RI 3.2)

Important Skills:

  • D. I can locate information using text features and search tools. (RI 3.5)

  • E. I can compare and contrast important points and key details in two texts on the same topic. (RI 3.9)

  • F. I can use language that shows time, sequence, and cause and effect, when describing information presented in a text. (RI 3.3)

  • G. I can describe the connections and structure of a text or paragraphs in text, using comparison, cause and  effect, and sequences. (RI 3.8)

Supporting Skills:

  • H. I can use information from illustrations to understand the text. (RI 3.7)

  • I. I can distinguish my point of view from the author’s point of view. (RI 3.6)

Learning Target 4: Grammar  

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. (e.g., linking or transition words). (L 3.1j)

  • B. I can produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.  (L 3.1k)

Important Skills:

  • C. I can use spelling patterns to write words. (L 3.2f)

  • D. I can capitalize appropriate words in titles. (L 3.2a)

  • E. I can form and use regular and irregular plural nouns. (L 3.1d)

  • F. I can form and use regular and irregular verbs. (L 3.1f). 

  • G I can form and use simple verb tenses. (L 3.1g)

  • H. I can ensure that subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agree. (L 3.1h)

  • I. I can form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. (L 3.1i)

  • J. I can form and uses possessives. (L 3.2d)

  • K. I can add suffixes to base words. (L 3.2e)

  • L. I can use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. (L 3.2c)

  • M. I can choose words and phrases for effect. (L 3.3a)

Supporting Skills:

  • N. I can explain the use of different parts of speech in sentences. (L 3.1a)

  • O. I can write all upper and lowercase cursive letters. (L 3.1a)

  • P.  I can produce legible cursive writing. (L 3.1b)

  • Q. I can use abstract nouns. (L 3.1e)

  • R.  I can use commas in addresses. (L 3.2b)

  • S. I can consult reference materials to check the correct spelling. (L 3.2g)

  • T. I can identify the differences between spoken and written conventions. (L 3.3b) 

Learning Target 5: Vocabulary  

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can use context clues to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. (L 3.4a) 

Important Skills:

  • B. I can accurately use grade level academic and domain specific words and phrases. ( L 3.6)

  • C. I can determine the meaning of a new word when an affix is added. (L 3.4b)

  • D. I can distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context. (L 3.5a)

  • E. I can make real life connections in language. (L 3.5b)

Supporting Skills:

  • F. I can use root words as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. (L 3.4c) 

  • G. I can choose words and phrases for effect. (L 3.3a) 

  • H. I can use reference materials to determine the meaning of key words and phrases. (L 3.4d)

  • I. I can distinguish shades of meaning. (L 3.5c)

Learning Target 6: Writing 

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can write an informational piece on a topic with supporting facts and details, using linking words and provide a concluding statement. (W 3.2a-d)

  • B. I can write an opinion piece on a topic with supportive reasons, using linking words and provide a concluding statement. (W 3.1a-d)

Important Skills:

  • C. I can produce a piece of writing with adult guidance and support. (W 3.4)

  • D. I can take notes to gather and recall information and sort it into provided categories. (W 3.8)

  • E. I can conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. (W 3.7)

  • F. I can edit and revise my writing with adult guidance and support. (W 3.5)

Supporting Skills:

  • G. I can write a narrative story using descriptive details and clear event sequences.  (W3.3a-e)

  • H. I can use technology to produce and publish as well as interact and collaborate with others. (W 3.6)

Learning Target 7: Speaking and Listening

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can engage in collaborative discussion and express my ideas clearly. (SL 3.1a-d)

  • B. I can determine the main ideas and supporting details from a text read aloud. (SL 3.2)

Important Skills:

  • C. I can speak in complete sentences, when appropriate, to provide details or clarification. (SL 3.6) 

  • D. I can ask and answer questions about information presented by a speaker. (SL 3.3)

  • E. I can report on a topic with appropriate facts and relevant details while speaking clearly at an understandable pace. (SL 3.4)

Supporting Skills:

  • C. I can create an engaging audio recording that demonstrates fluid reading. (SL 3.5)