Second Grade

Second Grade Essential Learning Targets

Math Learning Targets

Essential Skills : These skills are the main curricular focus of the grade. Substantial instructional time is spent to ensure all students are proficient.  Multiple assessments and interventions may be required and are appropriate.

Important Skills: These skills support or extend essential skills. Significant instruction time is spent to ensure understanding.  Student learning is assessed; however, not as much emphasis is placed on intervention.  

Supporting Skills: These skills are introduced and integrated during the grade and are best taught through spaced practice. Limited assessments and interventions occur for these skills.

Learning Target 1: I can read, write, model, and count numbers within 1000.

Essential Skills

  • A. I can count by 1s within 1,000 (NBT.2).

  • B. I can skip count by 10s within 1000 (NBT.2)ª

  • C. I can skip count by 100s within 1000 (NBT.2)ª

  • D. I can read and write numbers within 1000 using standard form, unit form, and expanded form (NBT.3).

  • E. I can identify numbers within 1000 (NBT.3).

  • F. I can use objects and drawings to show that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of 100s, 10s, and 1s (NBT.1).ª

  • G. I can compare two three-digit numbers using the >, =, and < symbols (NBT.4).

Important Skills

  • H. I can skip count by 5s within 1000 (NBT.2).

Supporting Skills

  • I. I can tell if a number is even or odd (OA.3).

  • J.I can read and write numbers within 1000 using number names (NBT.3).

Learning Target 2: I can add and subtract within 1000.

Essential Skills

  • A. I know from memory all sums (1-18) of two, one-digit numbers (OA.2b).

  • B. I can use strategies to fluently add and subtract within 20 (OA.2a).

  • C. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to fluently add and subtract within 100 (NBT.5)ª 

  • D. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to add and subtract numbers between 101 and 1000 (NBT.7 and NBT.9).

  • E. I can solve word problems within 100, with unknowns in all positions (OA.1 and MD.5).

Important Skills

  • F. I can mentally add and subtract 10 and 100 from any number 100-900 (NBT.8).

Supporting Skills

  • G. I can use repeated addition to identify up to 25 objects in an array (OA.4).

  • H.  I can add up to four two-digit numbers (NBT.6).

  • I. I can solve problems involving money (MD.8 & OA.1)ª

Learning Target 3: I can measure, represent data, and work with geometry.

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can tell and write time to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m. (MD.7)ª

Supporting Skills:

  • B. I can divide rectangles into rows and columns of same-size squares (G.2).

  • C. I can divide circles and rectangles into two, three, and four equal parts and name those parts (G.3).

  • D. I can use standard tools to measure length (MD.1).

  • E. I can measure the length of an object using two different lengths (MD.2).

  • F. I can estimate length using multiple units (MD.3).

  • G. I can measure to figure out how much longer one object is than another (MD.4).

  • H. I can recognize and draw shapes based on attributes (G.1).

  • I. I can display and analyze measurement data (MD.9).

  • J. I can show data on a picture graph and a bar graph (MD.10).

  • K. I can analyze data in a bar graph (MD.10).

ª: Learning Target directly relates to an ACT Readiness Standard

ELA Learning Targets

Learning Target 1: Phonics and Oral Reading Fluency

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can identify long and short vowels when reading. (RF 2.3a)

  • B. I can decode words with common vowel teams. (RF 2.3b)

  • C. I can decode two syllable words with long vowels. (RF 2.3c)

  • D. I can decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. (RF 2.3d)

  • E. I can recognize and read grade level irregularly spelled words (high frequency words). (RF 2.3f) 

  • F. I can read grade level text (Lexile 420-650) orally with sufficient accuracy. (RF 2.4b)

  • G. I can read grade level text (Lexile 420-650) orally with appropriate rate and expression. (RF 2.4b)

Supporting Skills:

  • H. I can read grade level text with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.4a)

  • I. I can use context to self correct and reread if necessary. (RF 2.4c)

Learning Target 2: Comprehension (Literature)

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can ask and answer questions to understand the details in the text (who, what, when, where, why, and how). (RL 2.1)

  • B. I can identify and describe the overall structure of a story (beginning, middle, and end). (RL 2.5)

Important Skills:

  • D. I can recount stories and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.  (RL 2.2)

  • E. I can describe how and why characters in a story respond to events. (RL 2.3)

  • F. I can recognize differences in the points of view of characters. (RL 2.6) 

  • G. I can compare and contrast two or more stories or text on the same topic. (RL 2.9)

Supporting Skills:

  • H. I can use information gained from illustrations/words in print to understand characters, setting, and plot. (RL 2.7)

  • I. I can describe how words and phrases supply rhythm. (RL 2.4)

Learning Target 3: Comprehension (Informational text)

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of key details in an informational text (who, what, when, where, why, and how). (RI 2.1)

  • B. I can identify the main topic of a text or paragraph within a text. (RI 2.2)

  • C. I can use text features to locate key facts and information. (RI 2.5)

Important Skills:

  • D. I can use images in text to help clarify information. (RI 2.7)

  • E. I can determine the meaning of a word or phrase in a text. (RI 2.4)

  • F. I can identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. (RI 2.6)

  • G. I can identify and describe the reasons (evidence) that support the author’s point in a text. (RI 2.8)

  • H. I can compare and contrast important points in two texts. (RI 2.9)

Supporting Skills:

  • I. I can describe the connection between a series of events. (RI 2.3)

Learning Target 4: Grammar 

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can use learned spelling patterns when writing words. (L 2.2d)

  • B. I can produce complete simple and compound sentences using capitals and punctuation. (L 2.1f)

Important Skills:

  • C. I can use collective nouns. (L 2.1a)

  • D. I can form and use irregular plural nouns. (L 2.1b)

  • E. I can use reflexive pronouns. (L 2.1c)

  • F. I can use and form past tense of irregular verbs. (L 2.1d)

  • G. I can use adverbs and adjectives. (L 2.1e)

  • H. I can use conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. (L 2.3)

  • I. I can use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives.         (L 2.2 c)

Supporting Skills:

  • J. I can capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names. (L 2.2 a)

  • K. I can use commas in greetings and closing of letters. (L 2.2 b)

  • L. I can use a dictionary to check spelling. (L 2.2e)

Learning Target 5: Vocabulary  

Essential Skills:

  • A: I can use context clues to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. (L 2.4a)

Important Skill:

  • B. I can find the meaning of a new word when a prefix is added to a known word.     

(L 2.4 b)

  • C. I can use a root/base word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word. (L 2.4c)

  • D. I can use the meaning of words to predict the meaning of a compound word. 

(L 2.4d) 

Supporting Skills:

  • E. I can use words and phrases gathered from conversations, reading, and being read to.  (L 2.6)

  • F. I can identify real life connections between words and their use. (L 2.5a)

  • G. I can use a glossary or dictionary to help understand the meaning of words.  (L 2.4e)

  • H. I can determine shades of meaning among closely related verbs and closely related adjectives. (L 2.5b)

Learning Target 6: Writing

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can write an opinion piece by introducing a topic, stating my opinion, supplying reasons for my opinion, and providing a sense of closure. (W 2.1)

  • B. I can write informative explanatory texts in which I introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. (W 2.2)

Important Skills:

  • C. I can write a narrative piece about an event or sequence of events that includes details, actions, thoughts and feelings, temporal words, and provides a sense of closure. (W 2.3)

Supporting Skills:

  • D. I can with guidance and support revise and edit my writing. (W 2.5)

  • E. I can with guidance and support publish a piece of writing. (W 2.6)

  • F. I can participate in shared research and writing projects. (W 2.7)

  • G. I can recall and gather information from a provided source or experience to answer questions. (W 2.8)

Learning Target 7: Speaking and Listening

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in a small or large group. (SL. 2.1)

  • B. I can recount or describe key details from a text read aloud or information presented orally. (SL 2.2)

  • C. I can tell a story or recount an experience with details and facts speaking audibly in coherent sentences. (SL 2.4)

Supporting Skills:

  • D. I can follow agreed upon rules for discussion. (SL 2.1a)

  • E. I can build on others conversations. (SL 2.1b).

  • F. I can ask for clarification on a topic or text during a discussion. (SL 2.1c)

  • G. I can ask and answer questions about what a speaker says to deepen understanding.  (SL 2.3)

  • H. I can create an audio recording of stories or poems; include drawings or other visual displays when appropriate. (SL 2.5)