Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Essential Learning Targets

Math Learning Targets

Essential Skills : These skills are the main curricular focus of the grade. Substantial instructional time is spent to ensure all students are proficient.  Multiple assessments and interventions may be required and are appropriate.

Important Skills: These skills support or extend essential skills. Significant instructional time is spent to ensure understanding.  Student learning is assessed; however, not as much emphasis is placed on intervention.  

Supporting Skills: These skills are introduced and integrated during the grade and are best taught through spaced practice. Limited assessments and interventions occur for these skills.

Learning Target 1 (~19% of RISE): I can read, write, compare, and model multi-digit numbers within 1,000,000.

Essential Skills

  • A.  I can read and write multi-digit numbers using correct place value in standard form, expanded form, and word form (NBT.2).ª

  • B. I can compare multi-digit numbers using >, <, = (NBT.2).ª

  • C. I can use objects, models, and written methods to show the “10 times” relationship among digits in the base-ten system (NBT.1).ª

Important Skill

  • D. I can round multi-digit numbers to any place value (NBT.3).

Learning Target  2 (~33% of RISE):  I can add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers.

Essential Skills

  • A. I can add numbers within 1,000,000 using a standard algorithm (NBT.4).ª

  • B. I can subtract numbers within 1,000,000 using a standard algorithm (NBT.4).ª

  • C. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to multiply a whole number, up to 4 digits, by a 1 digit number (NBT.5).

  • D. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to multiply a whole number, up to 2 digits, by 2 digit number (NBT.5).

  • E. I can divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number using objects, drawings, and written methods (NBT.6).

  • F. I can demonstrate that multiplication and division are inverse operations (NBT.6).

  • G. I can use multiplicative comparison to solve problems (OA.1).

  • H. I can solve multi-step word problems using the four operations (OA.2, OA.3).ª

Important Skills

  • I. I can use a variable to represent an unknown number (OA.3).ª

  • J. I can use a remainder to explain an answer (OA.3).ª

  • K. I can identify factors and multiples for whole numbers within 100. 

  • I can determine whether a number is prime or composite within 100 (OA.4).

Supporting Skills

  • L. I can generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule (OA.5)ª

Learning Target 3 (~20% of RISE): I can model, draw, write, compare, add, subtract, and multiply with fractions (limited to denominators of 2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12, and 100).

Essential Skills

  • A. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to explain why two fractions are equivalent (NF.1).ª

  • B. I can compare two fractions with different numerators and denominators that refer to the same whole (NF.2).

  • C. I can add and subtract fractions with like denominators (NF.3a).

  • D. I can decompose a fraction into a sum of unit fractions (NF.3b). 

  • E. I can add and subtract mixed numbers (NF.3c).

  • F. I can multiply a fraction by a whole number (NF.4a, NF.4b).

Important Skill

  • G. I can solve word problems using fractions (NF.3d, NF.4c).

Learning Target 4 (~10% of RISE): I can compare decimals and relate them to fractions.

Essential Skills

  • A. I can relate fractions to decimals by demonstrating the relationship or equivalence between 10ths and 100ths (NF.5, NF.6).

  • B. I can compare two decimals to the hundredths place using >, <, = (NF.7).

Learning Target 5 (~9% of RISE): I can solve problems involving measurement and line plots.


  • A. I can solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit (MD.1, MD.2)ª

  • B. I can solve area and perimeter problems (MD.3)ª

  • C. I can make a line plot to display data in fractions (MD.4)ª

Learning Target 6 (~9%of RISE): I can use and apply two dimensional geometric concepts.


  • A. I can identify and draw points, lines, rays, line segments and angles (G.1)ª

  • B. I can identify and draw perpendicular and parallel lines (G.1)ª

  • C. I can determine angle types (MD. 5).

  • D. I can show how an angle is measured with reference to a circle and create a fraction to represent the number of degrees (MD.5).

  • E. I can measure and sketch an angle using a protractor (MD.6).

  • F. I can use addition and subtraction to solve for unknown angles (MD.7)ª 

  • G. I can classify two dimensional shapes based on their characteristics (G.2)ª

  • H. I can recognize and draw lines of symmetry and two dimensional shapes (G.3).

ª: Learning Target directly relates to an ACT Readiness Standard

Grade 4
50 Operational Items




Operations and Algebraic

Thinking (OA)



Number and Operations in

Base Ten (NBT)



Number and Operations - Fractions (NF)



Measurement and Data and Geometry (MD/G)












ELA Learning Targets

Learning Target 1 : Phonics and Oral Reading Fluency

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can read grade level text (Lexile 740-940) with sufficient accuracy. (RF 4.4)

  • B. I can read  grade level text (Lexile 740-940) with appropriate rate and expression. (RF 4.4)

Important Skills:

  • C. I can use word decoding strategies to read unfamiliar and multisyllabic words.     (RF 4.3a)

  • D. I can analyze word structure by finding compound words, roots, prefixes, suffixes, and syllables. (RF 4.3a)

  • E. I can use context clues to confirm or self-correct when reading. (RF 4.4c)

Learning Target 2: Reading Comprehension (Literature)

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to draw inferences from the text. (RL 4.1)

  • B. I can determine the theme of a story, drama, or poem. (RL 4.2)

  • C. I can summarize a story, drama, or poem. (RL 4.2)

Important Skills:

  • D. I can describe a story’s character, setting or events using specific details from the text. (RL 4.3)

  • E. I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text.        (RL 4.4)

  • F. I can compare and contrast the points of view from different stories. (RL 4.6)

  • G. I can determine if a story is written in first- or third-person narration. (RL 4.6)

  • H. I can compare and contrast similar themes, topics, and patterns of events in stories from different cultures. (RL 4.9)

Supporting Skills:

  • I. I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they allude to characters in mythology. (RL 4.4)

  • J. I can explain common structural elements of poems, drama, and prose. (RL 4.5)

  • K. I can compare and contrast a written text and its visual or oral presentation. (RL 4.7)

Learning Target 3: Reading Comprehension (Informational text)

Essential Skills: 

  • A. I can refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. (RL 4.1)

  • B. I can determine the main idea of a text, explain how it is supported by key details, and summarize the text. (RL 4.2)

  • C. I can describe the structure of an informational text. (RI 4.5)

Important Skills:

  • D. I can explain events, procedures, ideas, and/or concepts in an informational text.      (RI 4.3)

  • E. I can determine the meaning of academic and/or content words or phrases in an informational text. (RI 4.4)

  • F. I can compare and contrast a firsthand account and a secondhand account of the same event or topic and describe how it affects the information provided. (RI 4.6)

  • G. I can describe the overall structure of the text or part of a text.  (RI 4.7)

  • H. I can explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text. (RI 4.8)

  • I. I can integrate information from two texts to display my knowledge of the topic when writing or speaking. (RI 4.9)

Learning Target 4: Grammar  

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can produce complete sentences and recognize fragments and run-ons. (L. 4.1f)

Important Skills:

  • B. I can use correct capitalization. (L 4.2a)

  • C. I can spell grade level words correctly consulting references as needed. (L 4.2d)

  • D. I can use relative pronouns and adverbs. (L 4.1a)

  • E. I can form and use the progressive verb tenses. (L 4.1b)

  • F. I can use modal auxiliaries to convey various conditions. (L 4.1c)

  • G. I can order adjectives within sentences according to conventional patterns. (L 4.1d)

  • H. I can form and use prepositional phrases. (L 4.1e)

  • I. I can correctly use frequently confused words. (L 4.1g)

  • J. I can use commas and quotation marks correctly. (L 4.2b)

  • K. I can use a comma before conjunctions in compound sentences. (L 4.2c)

  • L. I can choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely. (L 4.3a)

  • M. I can choose punctuation for effect. (L 4.3b)

Supporting Skills:

  • N. I can differentiate between formal and informal discourse and the appropriate time to use them. (L 4.3c)

Learning Target 5: Vocabulary 

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can use context clues to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. (L4.4a)

Important Skills:

  • B. I can use grade appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots to help me with the meaning of a word. (L 4.4b)

  • C. I can use reference materials to find the meaning of words or phrases. (L 4.4c)

  • D. I can explain the meaning of similes, metaphors, idioms,adages, and proverbs.        (L 4.5a-b)

  • E. I can demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to synonyms and antonyms. (L 4.5c)

Supporting Skills: 

  • F. I can choose appropriate words, phrases, and punctuation to express my ideas.       (L 4.3a, 4.3b)

  • G. I can differentiate between the appropriate use of formal and informal language.    (L 4.3c)

  • H. I can demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites or similar words. (L 4.5c)

  • I. I can accurately use grade-appropriate academic and domain specific words and phrases. (L 4.6)

Learning Target 6: Writing

Essential Skill:

  • A. I can compose a clear and logical piece of writing that demonstrates my understanding of a specific writing style. (W 4.4)

  • B. I can produce an opinion piece by introducing a topic and stating my opinion.         (W 4.1a)

  • C. I can provide reasons for my opinion supported by facts and details. (W 4.1b)

  • D. I can produce an informative piece by introducing a topic with supporting information and examples. (W 4.2a, 4.2b) 

  • E. I can provide a concluding statement. (W 4.1d, 4.2e, 4.3e)

Important Skills:

  • F. I can use appropriate transitions. (W 4.1c, 4.2c, 4.3c)

  • G. I can use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform or explain the topic. (W 4.2d)

  • H. I can conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of a topic. (W 4.7) 

Supporting Skills:

  • I. I can develop and strengthen my writing by planning, revising, and editing with guidance and support. (W 4.5)

  • J. I can recall, gather, and organize important information from experiences or print and digital sources. (W 4.8)

  • K. I can produce and publish writing using technology with guidance and support. (W 4.6)

  • L. I can produce a narrative piece by establishing a situation, introducing a narrator and characters, and organizing a sequence of events that unfolds naturally. (W 4.3a)

  • M. I can produce a narrative piece using dialogue and description. (W 4.3b)

  • N. I can use concrete words, phrases, and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely in a narrative piece. (W 4.3d)

  • O. I can draw evidence from literary or informational text to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W 4.9)

Learning Target 7: Speaking and Listening  

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners by building on others’ ideas and expressing my own clearly. (SL 4.1a-d)

  • B. I can paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats. (SL4.2)


  • C. I can report on a topic, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized way using relevant facts and details to support it. (SL 4.4)

Supporting Skills:

  • D. I can identify reasons and evidence a speaker uses to support their points. (SL 4.3)

  • E. I can add audio recordings and visual displays to enhance my presentations.       (SL 4.5)

  • F. I can differentiate between contexts that call for formal and informal language.      (SL 4.6)