Sixth Grade

Sixth Grade Essential Learning Targets

Math Learning Targets

Essential Skills : These skills are the main curricular focus of the grade. Substantial instructional time is spent to ensure all students are proficient.  Multiple assessments and interventions may be required and are appropriate.

Important Skills: These skills support or extend essential skills. Significant instruction time is spent to ensure understanding.  Student learning is assessed; however, not as much emphasis is placed on intervention.  

Supporting Skills: These skills are introduced and integrated during the grade and are best taught through spaced practice. Limited assessments and interventions occur for these skills.

Learning Targets 1-3 represent ~32% of RISE

Learning Target 1: I can read, write, and evaluate expressions. 

Essential Skills

  • A. I can write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents (EE.1).

  • B. I can read and write expressions in which letters stand for any number (EE.2a,b).ª

  • C. I can use the order of operations (including exponents) to evaluate expressions when given specific variable values (EE.2c).

  • D. I can write expressions from real-world situations (EE.6).ª

  • E. I can generate and identify equivalent expressions (EE.4).

  • F. I can generate equivalent expressions using the distributive property (EE.3, NS.4).

Learning Target 2: I can write and solve equations.

Essential Skills

  • A. I can use substitution to determine whether a given value makes an equation true (EE.5).ª

  • B. I can write and solve equations involving real-world problems (EE.7).

  • C. I can analyze dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables and relate them to an equation (EE.9).

Learning Target 3: I can write and solve inequalities.

Essential Skills

  • A. I can use substitution to determine whether a given value makes an inequality true (EE.5).ª

  • B. I can write and solve inequalities from real-world problems and recognize that inequalities have infinitely many solutions (EE.8).

Important Skills

  • C. I can represent solutions of inequalities on a number line (EE.8).

Learning Target 4: I can use ratio reasoning to solve problems (~30% of RISE).

Essential Skills

  • A. I can use ratio language to describe a relationship between two quantities (RP.1).

  • B. I can make equivalent ratios using various methods, including tables, to find missing values (RP.3a).ª

  • C. I can use multiple representations (i.e. tape diagrams, double number lines, and tables) to solve real-world ratio and rate problems (RP.3).

  • D. I can describe a unit rate and solve unit rate problems (RP.3b, RP.2).

Important Skills

  • E. I can use tables to create ordered pairs and plot them on a coordinate plane (RP.3a).

  • F. I can solve percent problems involving finding the whole and the percent (i.e. 3 out 5 is what percent? 5 is 50% of what number?) (RP.3c). 

Supporting Skill

  • G. I can convert measurement units using ratio reasoning (RP.3d).

Learning Target 5: I can use rational numbers within the number system (~20% of RISE).

Essential Skills

  • A. I can use models and written methods to divide fractions by fractions (NS.1).

  • B. I can fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using a standard algorithm (NS.3).ª

Important Skills

  • C. I can use zero and positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts (NS.5).

  • D. I can find the greatest common factor of two numbers less than or equal to 100 (NS.4).

  • E. I can order and compare rational numbers and plot them on a number line (NS.6a, NS.7a,b).ª

  • F. I can plot, reflect, find the distance between ordered pairs, and create polygons on a coordinate plane (NS.6b,c, NS.8, G.3).

  • G. I can fluently divide multi-digit numbers using a standard algorithm (NS.2).ª

Supporting Skills

  • H. I can find the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 (NS.4).

  • I.  I can show that the absolute value of a rational number is its distance from zero on the number line (NS.7c,d).

*Learning Target 6-7 represent ~18% of RISE.

Learning Target 6: I can solve real-world problems involving geometric concepts.

Important Skill

  • A. I can find the area of triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons by decomposing (G.1)ª

Supporting Skills

  • B. I can use nets to find the surface area of three-dimensional figures (G.4). 

  • C. I can find the volume of  right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths (G.2).

Learning Target 7: I can find, interpret, and display measures of center and statistical variation within data sets.

Important Skills

  • A. I can find and describe the measures of center (mean and median) and measures of variation (range and interquartile range) for a data set (SP.3, SP.5cª).

  • B. I can display numerical data on dot plots, histograms, and box plots (SP.4).

Supporting Skills

  • C. I can recognize a statistical question, report the number of observations, and explain what was under investigation (SP.1, SP.5a,b).

  • D. I can describe the distribution of a set of data using center, spread, and overall shape (SP.2)ª

  • E. I can choose the appropriate measure of center and/or measure of variation to explain the distribution of the data set (SP.5d).

ª: Learning Target directly relates to an ACT Readiness Standard

Grade 6
50 Operational Items




Ratios and Proportional

Relationships (RP)



The Number System (NS)



Expressions and Equations (EE)



Geometry/Statistics and

Probability (G/SP)












ELA Learning Targets

Learning Target 1: Reading Comprehension (Literature)

Essential Skills:

  • A.  I can cite specific evidence from the text to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. (RL 6.1)

  • B.  I can determine the central idea or theme of a text by using specific details from the text. (RL 6.2)

  • C.  I can provide an unbiased summary of the text. ( RL 6.2)

Important Skills:

  • D.  I can determine the meaning of words and phrases used in a text including figurative, connotative, and analyze the impact of word choice on meaning and tone. (RL 6.4) 

  • E.  I can describe how and why a character changes throughout a story. (RL 6.3)

  • F.  I can describe how a story’s plot unfolds. (RL 6.3)

  • G.  I can analyze how an excerpt of the story fits into the overall text and contributes to the theme, setting, and plot. (RL 6.5)

  • H.  I can explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.  (RL 6.6)

  • I.  I can compare and contrast different genres and their approaches to similar topics or themes. (RL 6.9)

Supporting Skills:

  • J.  I can compare and contrast the experience of reading a story vs. watching or listening to the same story. (RL 6.7)

Learning Target 2: Reading Comprehension (Informational text) 

Essential Skills:

  • A.  I can cite specific evidence from the text to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. (RI 6.1)

  • B.  I can determine the central idea of the text by using specific details from the text. (RI 6.2)

  • C.  I can provide an unbiased summary of the text. ( RI 6.2)

Important Skills:

  • D. I can determine the meaning of words and phrases used in a text including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.(RI 6.4) 

  • E. I can use the information presented in different formats (graphs, charts, tables, audio, video, etc.) as well as text to develop an understanding of a topic. (RI 6.7)

  • F. I can analyze how a specific piece of the text fits in and contributes to the development of ideas. (RI 6.5)

  • G. I can determine an author’s point of view and purpose for writing, and use evidence to show how I know. (RI 6.6)

  • H. I can evaluate and distinguish between claims that are supported by reasons and evidence and those that are not. (RI 6.8)

Supporting Skills:

  • I. I can analyze how people, events, or ideas are introduced and developed throughout the text. (RI 6.3)

  • J. I can compare and contrast different authors’ presentations of the same events. (RI 6.9)

Learning Target 3:  Grammar

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can use pronouns correctly (including pronoun case, intensive pronouns, inappropriate shifts, and vague pronouns). (L6.1a-d)

Important Skills:

  • B. I can capitalize and punctuate correctly. (L 6.2a)

  • C. I can correctly punctuate nonrestrictive and parenthetical elements with commas, periods, or dashes. (L 6.2a)

  • D. I can spell accurately. (L 6.2b)

  • E. I can write using varying sentence patterns. (L 6.3a)

Supporting Skills:

  • F. I can recognize variations from standard English in my own and others’ writing and use strategies to improve conventional language. (L 6.1e)

  • G. I can maintain consistency in style and tone in my writing. (L6.3b)

Learning Target 4: Vocabulary

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content. (L 6.4) 

Important Skills:

  • B. I can use context clues to determine the meaning of words/ phrases. (L 6.4a)

  • C. I can identify and interpret figurative language and figures of speech (L 6.5a)

Supportive Skills:  

  • D. I can use common, grade level Greek/Latin roots in determining the meaning of words. (L 6.4b)

  • E. I can use the relationship between particular words (e.g., cause/effect, part/whole, item/category) to better understand each of the words. (L 6.5b)

  • F. I can distinguish between denotation and connotation of a word. (L 6.5c)

  • G. I can use reference materials to determine meaning or part of speech. (L 6.4c)

Learning Target 5: Writing

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can engage productively in all steps of the writing process (planning, revising, etc) to strengthen and improve my writing. (W 6.5)

  • B. I can clearly state a claim or central idea. (W 6.1a, W 6.2a)

  • C. I can organize ideas logically by utilizing graphic organizers, text structure, and addressing the prompt. (W 6.1, W 6.2a)

  • D. I can provide relevant, credible evidence from multiple sources to support a claim. (W 6.1b, W 6.2b, W 6.8, )

  • E. I can write argumentative pieces on 6th grade topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and evidence. (W 6.1)

  • F. I can write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, using facts, details, and examples. (W 6.2)

Important Skills:

  • G. I can provide a concluding statement (W 6.1e, W 6.2f)

  • H. I can use appropriate transitions. (W 6.2c)

  • I. I can use precise language and academic vocabulary. (W 6.2d)

  • J. I can collect evidence from different texts to support my investigation, ideas, and research. (W 6.9)

  • K. I can conduct short research projects to answer a question. (W 6.7)

Supporting Skills:

  • L.  I can use multiple sources to gather relevant information, then write using quotes and paraphrasing. (W 6.8)

  • M.  I can use technology to produce and publish writing. (W 6.6)

  • N.  I can use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s) and reasons. (W 6.1c)

  • O.  I can maintain a formal writing style. (W 6.1d, W 6.2e)

  • P.  I can write a narrative piece with good technique, descriptions, and sequencing. (W 6.3)

Learning Target 6: Speaking and Listening

Essential Skills:

  • A. I can come to discussions prepared with background information and draw on that knowledge to participate in the discussion. (SL 6.1a)

  • B. I can ask and answer topic related questions with details that are relevant to the topic under discussion. (SL 6.1c)

  • C. I can interpret information given in a variety of formats and explain how it contributes to the topic, text, or issue under study. (SL 6.2)

Important Skills:

  • D. I can follow group discussion expectations (goals, deadlines, roles). (SL 6.1b)

  • E. I can summarize the discussion demonstrating understanding of multiple points of view. (SL 6.1d)

  • F. I can listen to a speaker’s argument and distinguish between claims that are supported by reasons and evidence and those that are not. (SL 6.3)

  • G. I can present claims and findings logically with descriptions, facts, details, using appropriate eye contact, volume, and clear pronunciation.  (SL 6.4)


Supporting Skills:

  • H. I can include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.  (SL 6.5)

  • I. I can adapt speech for a variety of contexts and tasks. (SL 6.6)