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School Policies

Cell phone policy--you may pick up a paper copy to fill out in the office. Digital copies should be available 4th quarter.  POLICIES- LANGUAGE: Inappropriate and vulgar language has no place in school.  Please work with us on this and also with your children. Absences/Excuses: Students are expected to be in school each day unless ill or properly excused by a parent or guardian.  Parents please know where your children are during the school day.  When a student is absent, the parent/guardian should send an excuse with the child when he/she returns to school. Bicycles: All...

Bus Policy

Parents/Guardians, Every year questions are asked regarding transportation.   Please note in the below policies that elementary students who live beyond 1.5 miles from the school are eligible to ride the bus.  Those students who qualify to ride a bus are to be dropped off and picked up at their regularly assigned bus stop.  Transporting students to daycare or non-related school activities is not allowed. There must be a minimum of ten students for an established bus route.  If students qualify for a bus and the route does not meet this requirement, a bus will not be...

Media Policy

Digital Media Device Policy Digital media devices include, but are not limited to: cell phones, pagers, computers, cameras, audio recorders, PDA’s, radios, CD/DVD players, USB thumb drives, video games; Game Boy, Nintendo DS, PSP, and other electronic or battery-powered instruments/toys. These devices have increased in our community and in the schools. While digital media devices can be beneficial, their misuse may be disruptive to a positive learning environment and may infringe on the privacy and rights of others. In order to maximize a positive learning environment at North Ogden Elementary...

Safe School Policy

Weber School District Student Discipline Policy and Safe School Policy

Dress Code Policy

Students attending North Ogden Elementary should dress appropriately to not detract from the learning environment and exhibit pride in themselves and North Ogden. Clothing that is distracting, detrimental, disruptive, or unsafe for any reason is not acceptable attire. Specifically, the following should be avoided and will not be allowed at North Ogden Elementary School: Clothing which displays obscene, suggestive, vulgar, lewd words, messages, or pictures: clothing that advertises controlled substances such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs and breweries, contains sexual content or which...

Attendance Policy

Weber School District Attendance Policy COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE Any person having control of a minor between six and 18 years of age is required to send the minor to a public or regularly established private school during the school year of the district in which the minor resides. It is a misdemeanor for a person having control of a minor to willfully fail to comply with the requirements of this chapter. A district board of education shall report cases of willful noncompliance to the appropriate juvenile court. Officers of the juvenile court shall immediately take appropriate action. A...

School Policies

Policies- Language: Inappropriate and vulgar language has no place in school.  Please work with us on this and also with your children. Absences/Excuses: Students are expected to be in school each day unless ill or properly excused by a parent or guardian.  Parents please know where your children are during the school day.  When a student is absent, the parent/guardian should send an excuse with the child when he/she returns to school. Bicycles: All bicycles must be locked up during school hours.  The school cannot be responsible for bicycles, locks or accessories....