Cell phone policy--you may pick up a paper copy to fill out in the office. Digital copies should be available 4th quarter. 



Inappropriate and vulgar language has no place in school.  Please work with us on this and also with your children.


Students are expected to be in school each day unless ill or properly excused by a parent or guardian.  Parents please know where your children are during the school day.  When a student is absent, the parent/guardian should send an excuse with the child when he/she returns to school.


All bicycles must be locked up during school hours.  The school cannot be responsible for bicycles, locks or accessories. Students are not allowed to ride their bikes during the school day.


These are not allowed at school except on special occasions, with permission of the teacher.


Please label all coats, boots, etc.  Lost and found articles are just outside of the Media Center.

School Dress Policy:

The following dress code has been adopted to promote safety, personal hygiene, and a proper academic environment.  Students are expected to maintain a type fo dress that is clean, modest, and is not distracting to teachers or other students and not detrimental or disruptive to the educational process.

  1. Clothing not ordinarily worn in the workplace may not be worn at school. (i.e., robes, pajamas, house slippers, mutilated clothing, etc.).

  2. Shoes must be worn at all times.  For safety reasons, flip flop and platform shoes are discouraged at school.

  3. Shorts and skirts must be at least finger-tip length and not present a distraction in the classroom.

  4. Shirts and tops may not have bare midriffs, or be revealing at the neck, stomach and/or armholes.  The ball of the shoulder must be covered.  Tank tops, athletic undershirts, halter tops, spaghetti strap shirts, and bare midriff shirts are not allowed at school.

  5. Underwear must be worn underneath clothing and may not be worn outside of or on top of other clothing, or where it is exposed or can be seen.  Sagging pants must not reveal underwear.

  6. Clothing with designs, printed words, or slogans that are suggestive, obscene, in poor taste, or that refer to a substance or activity which is illegal for a minor will not be allowed- clothing which refers to ales, beer, or other alcoholic beverages, smoked or smokeless tobacco, breweries, or illegal drugs may not be worn.

  7. Hats or other types of head covering, such as scarves, sweatbands or bandanas, may not be worn in the building.

  8. Sunglasses may not be worn in the building.

  9. Educationally distracting hair color or makeup will not be allowed.   Hair or makeup which is so conspicuous, extreme, odd in color or style that it draws undue attention, disrupts, or tends to disrupt or interfere with the learning atmosphere at school will not be allowed.

10. Clothing attachments, jewelry, or accessories which could be considered weapons, which could pose a potential risk of injury to the wearer or others, or which could be considered to be disruptive to the educational process may not be worn.  Chains longer than 8 inches may not be worn.

11.  Inappropriate and distracting tattoos may not be displayed.

Digital Media Devices/Cell Phone Policy:

We are committed to ensure that a DMD does not interfere with the learning environment and safety procedures or infringe on the privacy of others at North Ogden Elementary.  Therefore, the following procedures will apply to student use of a DMD on school property during school hours:

  1. DMD including student cell phones, music devices, gaming devices, cameras, etc. should not be used during school hours. They are not to be seen, heard or used in any way.

  2. Any DMD seen, heard or used will be confiscated and held in the office.  Parents may pick up the device in the office.

  3. The first offense is a warning.  Subsequent offenses may result in a one day suspension of the student.

  4. The office phone is available for student use, with adult referral, during the school day.  Parents should call the school to get messages to students.

  5. School personnel will not be held responsible for DMD that are lost, stolen or broken at school.

  6. School administration or designee may search DMD based on reasonable suspicion that they may contain evidence of a violation of school/district rules or policy.

  7. School district policies and state and federal laws regarding illegal content on DMD will be enforced.

  8. Any exception to the above procedures must be approved by the building administrator.

Release of Students:

For safety reasons, release of students during the school day must be done through the office.  Only those students with proper authorization will be allowed to leave. Please do not take students from the playground without checking them out through the office.


Children should respect adults.  Any staff member at Kanesville has the right to communicate with any student should conditions warrant.  Students should be taught to respect property and be responsible for lost or damaged school property.


It is critial that students be on time for school.  When students come late to class, they miss out on learning, as well as disrupt the learning process.  School begins at 8:45 am.  Please make sure your children are on time. It is imperative to teach them the importance of being on time.  When your child is late, please have them check in with the office prior to going to class.

Use of School Telephones:

Students except in emergencies should not use the office phone.  Students must get permission from their teacher to use the telephone.

Bus Regulations-


All students riding buses are expected to comply with the following:

  1. Be courteous to the bus driver, to fellow pupils, and passers-by.

  2. Be on time at the designated bus stop both morning and afternoon.

  3. Walk on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic, when coming to meet the bus.

  4. Remain seated while the bus is in motion.

  5. Follow directions of the driver in placement on the bus.

  6. Cross the road according to the proper safety procedures.

  7. Do not extend hands, arms, head or any part of the body through bus windows.

  8. Do not open or close windows without permission of the driver.

  9. Do not attempt to leave the bus other than at a regular stop.

10. Talk in normal tones and refrain from loud or vulgar language.

11.  Help keep the bus clean and exercise care to prevent damage.

12. Do not open the emergency door except in case of emergency.

13. Do not, in any manner, destroy school property.

Students who refuse to obey promptly the directions of the driver or fail to observe any of the above regulations forfeit the privilege of riding the bus.

Please review safety rules for walking, boarding, and riding the buses with your children. Presentations and lessons are planned to reinforce this at school during the year.

Bussing Policy:

Due to serious liability and safety concerns with bussing children, the district has asked us to strictly adhere to the bussing policy.

The policy states that drivers are not authorized to allow children to change buses or stop at unassigned spots.

Transporting children to such activities as parties, scouts, sleepovers, achievement days, piano, etc. will not be allowed. Students not on the regular passenger list will not be permitted to ride the bus.  If you feel you must request an exception to this policy, because of extenuating circumstances, (ie: a relative may be taking care of your children while you are out of town), you will need to fill out and get signed a copy of the bussing form from the school office.  You may also call the transportation supervisor at 476-7937 if you have concerns.  We appreciate your cooperation with this important safety issue.