First Grade
First Grade Essential Learning Targets
Math Learning Targets
Essential Skills : These skills are the main curricular focus of the grade. Substantial instructional time is spent to ensure all students are proficient. Multiple assessments and interventions may be required and are appropriate.
Important Skills: These skills support or extend essential skills. Significant instruction time is spent to ensure understanding. Student learning is assessed; however, not as much emphasis is placed on intervention.
Supporting Skills: These skills are introduced and integrated during the grade and are best taught through spaced practice. Limited assessments and interventions occur for these skills.
Learning Target 1: I can show what I know about counting and numbers within 120.
Essential Skills
A. I can count by 1s to 120 (NBT.1).
B. I can identify numbers within 120 (NBT.1).
C. I can write numbers within 120 (NBT.1).
D. I can represent a number of objects with a written numeral up to 120 (NBT.1).
E. I can count forward and backward starting with any number within 120 (NBT.1, NBT.5, NBT.6).
F. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to show that two-digit numbers are made up of
10s and 1s (NBT.2).
Important Skills
G. I can compare two, two-digit numbers using the >, =, and < symbols (NBT.3).
H. I can find 10 more or 10 less than a two-digit number without having to count (NBT.5 and NBT.6).
Learning Target 2: I can add and subtract.
Essential Skills
A. I can fluently add and subtract within 10 (OA.6b).
B. I can add and subtract within 20 using multiple strategies (OA.5, OA.6, and OA.8).
Making a ten (for example, 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14)
Decomposing a number leading to a ten (for example, 13 - 4 = 13 – 3 – 1 = 10 – 1 = 9)
Using the relationship between addition and subtraction (for example, knowing that 8 + 4 = 12, one knows 12 – 8 = 4)
Creating equivalent but easier or known sums (for example, adding 6 + 7 by creating the known equivalent 6 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13)
I can find the missing number in an addition or subtraction equation
C. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to solve word problems within 20 (OA.1, OA.2, and OA.6).
D. I can demonstrate the relationship between addition and subtraction within 20 (OA.3 and OA.4).
E. I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to add and subtract within 100 (NBT.4).
Important Skill
F. I can demonstrate the meaning of the equals sign and can tell if an equation is true (OA.7).
Learning Target 3: I can measure, represent data, and work with geometry.
A. I know the values of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters (MD.5).
B. I can compare the value of coins (MD.5).
C. I can tell time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital clocks (MD.3).
D. I can identify attributes that define a shape (G.1).
E. I can show that two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes can be put together and taken apart to make new shapes (G.2).
F. I can divide circles and rectangles into two and four equal parts and use “half,” “fourth,” and “quarter” to describe the parts (G.3).
G I can compare the lengths of two objects without measuring (MD.1).
H. I can measure length using non-standard units with no gaps or overlaps (MD.2).
I. I can organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories (MD.4).
ELA Learning Targets
Learning Target 1: Phonics and Oral Reading Fluency
Essential Skills:
A. I can decode, blend, segment, and isolate sounds in single syllable words. (RF 1.2 b-d, 1.3b)
B. I can distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken one syllable words. (RF 1.2a)
C. I know final -e and common vowel teams used to represent long vowel sounds. (RF 1.3c)
D. I know the spelling and sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. (RF 1.3a)
E. I can recognize the features of a sentence (RF 1.1a)
F. I can recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. (RF 1.3g)
G. I can read grade level text (Lexile 190-530) with sufficient accuracy. (RF 1.4)
H. I can read grade level text (Lexile 190-530) with appropriate rate and expression. (RF 1.4)
Important Skills:
I: I can use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. (RF 1.4c)
Supporting Skills:
J: I know that every syllable must have a vowel. (RF 1.3d)
K: I can decode two-syllable words. (RF 1.3e)
L: I can read words with inflectional endings. (RF 1.3f)
Learning Target 2: Comprehension (Literature)
Essential Skills:
A. I can ask and answer questions about characters, settings, and major events in a story using key details. (RL 1.1, 1.3)
B. I can retell a story demonstrating understanding of the central message or lesson. (RL 1.2)
C. I can explain the differences between stories and informational text. (RL 1.5)
Important Skills:
D. I can use illustrations and details in a story to describe characters, setting, or events. (RL 1.7)
E. I can compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. (RL 1.9)
Supporting Skills:
F. I can identify words and phrases that suggest feelings or appeal to senses when reading. (RL 1.4)
G. I can identify who is telling the story. (RL 1.6)
Learning Target 3: Comprehension (Informational text)
Essential Skills:
A. I can ask and answer questions about the details in a text. (RI 1.1)
B. I can identify the topic and retell key details of a text. (RI 1.2)
Important Skills:
C. I can use illustrations and details in a text to describe the key ideas. (RI 1.7)
D. I can ask and answer questions about words and phrases in a text to understand the meaning. (RI 1.4)
E. I can tell how two people, events or ideas are connected in a text. (RI 1.3)
F. I can compare and contrast two texts on the same topic. (RI 1.9)
Supporting Skills:
G. I can identify text features in a story (headings, table of contents, glossaries, etc.). (RI 1.5)
H. I can distinguish the difference between information provided by illustrations and information provided by words in a text. (RI 1.6)
I. I can identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text. (RI 1.8)
Learning Target 4: Grammar
Essential Skills:
A. I can print all upper and lower-case letters. (L 1.1a)
B. I can write a complete sentence with appropriate capitalization, ending punctuation, and phonetic spelling. (L 1.2b,e)
C. I can produce complete simple and compound sentences in response to prompts. (L 1.1k)
Important Skills:
D. I can write legibly. (L 1.1b)
E. I can capitalize dates and names of people when I write. (L 1.2a)
F. I can use pronouns correctly when speaking or writing including: I, me, my; them, their; anyone, everything. (L 1.1d)
G. I can spell words with common spelling patterns. (L 1.2d)
H. I can spell grade level irregular words correctly. (L 1.2d)
Supporting Skills:
I. I can use common, proper and possessive nouns. (L 1.1c)
J. I can use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns. (I, me, my; they, them, their; anyone, everything) (L 1.1e)
K. I can use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future. (Yesterday I walked home.; Today I walk home.; Tomorrow I will walk home.) (L 1.1f)
L. I can use frequently occurring adjectives. (L 1.1g)
M. I can use frequently occurring conjunctions. (L 1.1h)
N. I can use determiners (articles & demonstratives). (L 1.1l)
O. I can use frequently occurring prepositions (during, beyond, toward). (L 1.1j)
P. I can use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series. (L 1.2c)
Learning Target 5: Vocabulary
Essential Skills:
A. I can use context clues to determine word meaning. (L 1.4 a)
Important Skills:
B. I can define words by category, using one or more attributes (e.g., a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes). (L 1.5b)
C. I can identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at home that are cozy). (L 1.5c)
D. I can use words and phrases learned through conversations and reading to show relationships. (L 1.6)
Supporting Skills:
E. I can identify frequently occurring root words and their inflectional forms (e.g., look, looks, looked, looking). (L 1.4c)
F. I can use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of the word. (L 1.4b)
G. I can sort words into categories and understand what they represent. (L 1.5a)
H. I can distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare) and adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic). (L 1.5d)
Learning Target 6: Writing
Essential Skills:
A. I can write opinion pieces about a topic or book by stating my opinion, giving reasons for my opinion, and providing a sense of closure. (W 1.1)
B. I can write informational or explanatory texts by introducing a topic, giving facts about the topic, and providing a sense of closure. (W 1.2)
C. I can write a narrative piece that includes two or more events in a sequence, using temporal words to signal order, and provide some sense of closure. (W 1.3)
Important Skills:
D. I can respond to questions and suggestions from peers, to strengthen my writing. (W 1.5)
E. I can participate in shared research and writing projects. (W 1.7)
F. I can gather and recall information from provided sources. (W 1.8)
Supporting Skills:
G. I can use digital tools to produce and publish writing, with support. (W 1.6)
Learning Target 7: Speaking and Listening
Essential Skills:
A. I can participate in conversations with peers and adults, speaking one at a time, and building on others’ talk. (SL 1.1)
B. I can describe people, places, things, and events expressing ideas and feelings clearly. (SL 1.4)
Important Skills:
C. I can speak using complete sentences appropriate to task and situation. (SL 1.6) (See Language Standard 1)
D. I can ask and answer questions to gain more understanding or clarity when presented with information given orally (e.g., by a speaker, text read aloud, or other media). (SL 1.2, 1.3)
Supporting Skills:
E. I can add drawings to my presentations to help clarify my thoughts and ideas. (SL 1.5)